

主持人:damien lu (星星) 博士

请问进行艾滋病检查,需要 ...

王林 (先生) :


damien lu :

星星你好。 我 ...

kent (先生) :

星星你好。 我很难开口,因为我最讨厌的人是我自己的父亲,我知道我不应该讨厌他,应该尊敬孝顺,可是对我来说实在没有办法不讨厌他,其实我年龄也不小了,可是我并没有因为长大就对他产生感情并理解他。很小的时候父亲就对我十分苛刻,我几乎是被他骂大的,小时候一看见他就害怕,可能是因为我不像一般男孩,而多少有一点像女孩的关系吧!他非常看不上我,只要我说的话都是错的,我办的事也全是错的,家里孩子很多,不管发生什么坏事他都说是我干的,因此我变得非常自卑胆怯。现在只要我们一说话就吵架,一看见他我就无比反感,我非常苦恼,我该怎么办?

damien lu :
没有必要觉得难过,孩子的尊敬与爱要做父亲的自己去赢取,对孩子没有温情的父亲当然也就没有权利得到爱。中国古训也说,父慈子孝,只有父慈子才会孝。现在的社会当然更不可能要求做孩子的盲目地孝顺。 你如果已经成年并自立,应该和你父亲坦诚地谈谈,设法使他明白他的所作所为对你的伤害,如果无效,那么你的责任尽到了,为了自己而生活吧。

我与女友分开一年多了,可 ...

羽森 (女士) :


damien lu :

my parents f ...

jason (先生) :

my parents found that i was a gay when i was 16.5 years old. ever since then i have been asked to "change" or "improve". i was lucky as i spent 4 years in uni in china and i came to sydney shortly after i graduated. so i spent very limited time living with my parents after i was "exposed" :p)) my family accepted my sexuality 5 or 6 years ago. though they still dream that one day i can change, however, they basically accepted whom i am. their acceptance did not come easily. i can not remember how many times i said "no, i will not marry." to my parents, nor would i forget that almost every night for the first one month or so, mum cried after mum and dad came to sydney and lived with my boyfriend and me in may 2000. but gradually mum became used to it and she stopped her daily "practice". on the chinese new year eve, i was having netmeeting call with my elder brother, mum and dad late at night. just then my bf came back home and he went close to me and hug me from behind. i guess that they must all see the two smiling faces that sticked together closely on their screen, however, suprise suprise, no critisizing, no complaint, no rejection at all! how did i successfully "change" the minds and attitudes of my family? i think there are two important parts: 1. be brave enough to let them know. the greatest pressure and biggest problem for many gay, is to expose himself to his family/friends. i believe for an adult gay, the earlier he walks out of the closet, the better the possible result. i spent almost 10 years "fighting with", "arguing with", or pursuading my parents. i can not imagine that i tell my father when she turned 70--it may well be too late as he may have a heart attack! 2. stick to your bottom line and don't give in to pressure from the outside. if you insist to be "single", then gradually they will start to suspect with possible reasons, and gradually, time will prove for them which suspection is the true reason. good luck guys in dealing with ur parents!

damien lu :
thank you for your thoughtful comments. i would recommend that you share the above with the wider 爱白 reader population. if you like, you can send this article or a chinese version of it to the webmaster at webmaster@gaychinese.net

两个没有hiv病毒的男生 ...

eric (先生) :


damien lu :

你好星星! 我跟我的b ...

风筝 (先生) :

你好星星! 我跟我的bf认识三个月了,大多数时候是在网上聊天,也见过很多次,我们彼此喜欢。后来他答应做了我的bf。可是每当我们牵手,亲吻时他都很退缩。后来他跟我说出了心里话,他说虽然他能接受别人牵手和接吻,可我们牵手的时候他总感觉不舒服,心理上无法接受。我问他是不是因为是跟我在一起,他说即使是贝克汉姆牵他的手他也会不舒服,他曾试着接受这些,可是不行,更不要说性行为。 我想他是不是有心理障碍,性冷漠呢?我真的很痛苦。我很喜欢他,希望能用我的爱和真诚改变他。您能帮帮我吗?

damien lu :
当然是心理障碍,应该可以改善,不过只有他自己希望并下决心改善才行。 你应该做好准备,因为如果他希望改变,早就应该开始,也不应该在这样的心理状态下交朋友。

星哥,我想请问你一件事, ...

陈晓 (先生) :


damien lu :

您好: 我才24 ...

敏儿 (先生) :

您好: 我才24岁就有眼袋了,很难看,怎样才可以去掉啊?谢谢您了

damien lu :

只是想给爱白和星星你问好 ...

心悠然 (先生) :


damien lu :

星星哥, 我给 ...

kk (先生) :

星星哥, 我给你写过一次信,但不见你回复!我很难过!因为我的问题在困扰着我!我真的希望你能帮帮我! 我20岁,长的挺好!但我很怕和我喜欢的人上床!因为~~我的阴茎勃起时是向左弯曲的!不是太严重!但也很明显!这让我有很严重的心理障碍~ 我这样能不能治好?要怎么办呀! 求你帮帮我了! 最后祝你什么都好! kk

damien lu :