

主持人:damien lu (星星) 博士

你好。我结婚前曾得过尖锐 ...

小凡 (先生) :


damien lu :
你好: 尖锐湿疣如你所说,传染性极强,只要通过皮肤接触就可以传染,而且除了全部禁欲之外,没有完全有效的预防方式,你的太太应该检查。 传给孩子的可能性并不大,不过着要由医生指导,注意如何避免。最初要的是对你太太,导致尖锐湿疣的病毒有几十种,其中有多种有可能导致子宫和宫颈癌,所以如果她有尖锐湿疣,应该定期检查。 总之,你应该和一个性病或妇产科医生详细讨论这个问题。

我想我可能有点同性恋的意 ...

dog (先生) :

我想我可能有点同性恋的意思 我的问题是我的脚毛比较少,是这个原因造成的吗?

damien lu :

thank you ve ...

michael (先生) :

thank you very much, indeed. so there is still no vaccine to protect agaist hiv? why is so hard to find one even in nowadays?

damien lu :
there is as yet no proven effective vaccine to protect against hiv. normally, the basic way to develop a vaccine against a particular disease is by introducing a small amount of pathogen (virus or bacteria) into a healthy body. the body’s immune system will develop anti-bodies to fight this particular disease. because hiv/aids affect the immune system, developing anti-bodies have been very difficult.

你好,我是gay,我很苦 ...

飞翔 (先生) :


damien lu :

您好,我是一个大学生,我 ...

安安 (先生) :


damien lu :
性行为本身,特别是如你所形容的,并不能说明性倾向。很多异性倾向的人都有个同性性行为的经验,但这并不说明他们是同性,就好像有很多结婚甚至生孩子的同性倾向人一样,他们并不是变成了异性倾向。 顺便说一句,你所形容的常给一些不是同志的朋友口交是很不健康的,不但有可能感染性病,对你从心理上也不利,很可能影响你今后发展长久的爱情。

星星您好!我是第二次问你 ...

andy (先生) :

星星您好!我是第二次问你了,我现在好想找一个男朋友,可是又不知道谁愿意所以很不安,你上次给我写的我看不懂,你能帮帮我吗 ?让我能得到一个男朋友,我真的好需要,请用中文打给我,谢谢!!!

damien lu :

一个男子接受同性的性刺激 ...

困惑 (先生) :


damien lu :

我和她一起都一年了啊!在 ...

等你说爱我 (女士) :

我和她一起都一年了啊!在我们认识一年的那天晚上,我决定和她分手了!我没有告诉她我有这个打算,就这样我很少去找她。(她给我打过电话)后来我在她的qq号上留言“我们分手吧!”有一天我去上网,在网上我遇到了她,这才真正知道原来我还是很爱她!她说“自己做出的决定,不能后悔”我们真正分手了!她是个双性恋 有我没我 她照样过。是个很理智的女人!能告诉我“我们还能在一起吗?教教我以后我该怎么办?”发到我的信箱里

damien lu :

你好!  我的bf已婚 ...

胡子 (先生) :

你好!  我的bf已婚并有个小孩。当时我只是抱着玩一下的态度和他发生关系的,可当我提出分手时,他哭了,他说如是因为他的婚姻,他可以离婚。我不想让他离婚,我想离开他。有几次我关了手机,不和他联系,他居然找到我单位来,他说如果我不理他他会死的,我该怎么办?   

damien lu :

hi, mr. what ...

godot (先生) :

hi, mr. what-is-ur-name. i am a college teacher, fresh from school. snice i came here, i have been seeking a partner.i left notes on bbs, chatted in chatrooms, even went out to those nasty spots. but just no seccess. some were old,some poorly educated, some just obsessed with carnal pleasure. hard to ommunicate with them.descent guys if any, were married. and i feel pretty lonely.and i was fooled once, so humiliated,what is wrong with these @#%* people? i met cute guys online but them seem light years from me.u mentioned it almost impossible to carry on long -distance romance. so what shall i do?

damien lu :
i have answered similar questions before. the reality is that finding a lover is difficult everywhere, for everyone, wether you are straigt or gay. bars, bbs's, curising spots, are all just places to make initial contact with people. unfortunately, most people do not go to these places look for relationships, they are their to look for sex. my advice to people have always been: look for friends first. don't be in too much a hurry to enter into a romantic relationship. you have to get to know people very well before you should even consider long term relationships. make as many friends as possible, get to know them well, talk about each others' hopes for the future, what each is willing to do, etc. once you have close many friendships, love will follow. if you want to talk more about this, email me.