我和在网上认识的他只有过 ...
主持人:damien lu (星星) 博士
我在看到我喜欢的人或是做爱的时候 ,小弟弟就会不停的分泌前列腺液,我想问一下这是不是正常现象,对身体有害吗?谢谢
最近看到网站上说, 不用口服什么,通过一种类似按摸的方式可以使阴茎变长粗,189元买一张光盘指导. 在过外的网站也见过这种介绍, 会是真的吗?
您好,星星! 您很强调朋友之间要坦白,包括是否能相伴永久,我很赞同。但是,我该怎么想父母坦白呢?我已经26岁了,“该是”考虑婚姻的时候了,怎么让父母明白呢?他们是县城普通工人,根本不会知道世界上还有同性存在,或者知之了了,当然也肯定会接受不了我和男人过一辈子的打算。 如何能既不伤害他们,又能使他们 接受事实呢?
dear big brother xingxing, it’s been long since i knew of you via gaychinese.net. not only have i been fond of your intelligent and enthusiastic replies to so many questions from lots of puzzlers, but also i’ve sent your zipped faq packets to most of my pen pals and my gay friends. you’ve made an excellent impression on me. and now, i have some questions. what’s the regular way to make some gay friends in usa, if i plan to go abroad for study? since in my opinion there are many promiscuous cases in the west, which i try to avoid, then what’s the safest way to find the true love of my own in that world? and moreover, do you happen to know some special countries that validate homosexual marriage? i’m very interesting in the mode of lives of those real gay couples. please offer me some information about the gay lives in us, ok? another private question, what’s your situation of marriage by now? i hope you’re having a desirable lover. j thanks a lot, for the considerations and helps to all of us. looking forward to your reply. see you.
我不知道gay是否能遗传,因为我认识一个gay,但我很喜欢他的儿子,可不知道他儿子是不是gay ,gay是不是能遗传给自己的后代呢