

主持人:damien lu (星星) 博士

could you te ...

michael (先生) :

could you tell me what is the difference between hiv positive and aids? and why aids is a incurable disease? thanks a lot!

damien lu :
hiv is the virus that causes aids. hiv positive means your have hiv in your body. being hiv positive does not means you have aids. currently, scientists consider you having aids only when the count of certain immune cells falls below a certain point. there is usually a period of time between the time you become hiv positive and the time you develop aids. the length of this time can be as short as a few weeks to as long as 20 years. the reason aids is difficult to cure is very complex. to put it simply, it is because the way hiv virus attack the body. we rely on our immune system to fight off most diseases, and that is precisely what hiv/aids affects. it takes away our body's defense system, so that we are susceptible to a whole range of diseases. in the end, it is not aids that kills, but other opportunistic infection that kills. (if anyone reading this can translate the questions and my answers into chinese, i would really appreciate it. i would post the chinese version here as well.)