


  旧金山消息 在日前召开的美国心理学年会上提交的一份对全美同性伴侣育儿情况的调查发现,男女同性伴侣和异性家长一样是好父母。

  数据显示出同性家长比异性家长“对孩子更关心、更热心回应,也更平等。”纽约州oakdale的dowling学院研究员nanette silverman说。





  “同性家长相当称职。” silverman指出,“性取向根本不代表什么。”

  silverman 说,最惊人的是只有15%的同性家长表示他(她)们使用体罚管教子女,其余的人只依靠交谈和道理说服。然而在异性家长那里,至少60%的人表示会使用体罚来管教孩子。

  silverman 认为使用体罚不利于培养孩子的自重,这是有目共睹的。

  “我们觉得通过讲道理和归纳总结,同性家长和孩子会有更好的沟通方式。” silverman说道。

gay and lesbian couples do well at parenting

by melissa schorr

san francisco (reuters health) - gay and lesbian couples make as
good parents as heterosexual couples, according to findings from a
national survey on gay parenting presented saturday at the annual
meeting of the american psychological association.

``the data suggests lesbian and gay parents are more responsive,
child-oriented and egalitarian'' than heterosexual parents, said
nanette silverman, a researcher at dowling college in oakdale, new

the national survey of gay and lesbian parents was conducted by
suzanne johnson, associate professor of psychology at dowling
college, and her collaborator elizabeth o'connor. the survey
identified 415 lesbian or gay male parents raising children across

the study found that the lesbian women, on average, had been
together 10 years and had a 5-year-old child, while the gay men had
been together 13 years and had a 6-year-old child. both groups tended
to be highly educated, with just under half having obtained graduate
degrees. about one third of the couples lived in urban areas, nearly
one-half lived in the suburbs, and the rest lived in rural areas.

gay fathers reported that their anticipation of negative
experiences from family and employers had been worse than the
reality, while lesbian mothers reported experiencing negative
feedback. that may be because approval of a gay father's choice to
adopt may be higher than approval of the mother's choice to bring a
child into the world, silverman noted.

overall, the gay and lesbian parents had adjusted fairly well to
parenthood, were in general agreement on the practices of raising a
child, and had maintained positive feelings about their partner.

``gay and lesbian parents are functioning quite well,'' silverman
noted. ``sexual orientation is totally irrelevant.''

most strikingly, silverman said, only 15% of the gay and lesbian
parents reported using physical methods as a way to discipline their
children, but relied instead upon discussion and reasoning. by
comparison, 60% or more of heterosexual parents reported using
physical methods to discipline their children.

silverman said the use of physical discipline has been associated
with giving children lower levels of self-esteem.

``we feel through using reasoning and induction, gay and lesbian
parents have a better outcome with their children,'' she said.
